Not to blow our own trumpets or anything- and pretend for one minute that we are authoritative- but hopefully some of you friends, and people who have strayed one google page too far (12,682) will stumble upon a track or two, enjoy it and go and search for some more. And, it's for THIS mind to wonder whether that hypotethical scenario has come true, and take comfort in the thought regardless...
TOP 10 of 2010
1. White Hinterland Kairos
The perfect summer montage album. Put this on when it gets warm again and you're lazing around in the sun.
White Hinterland- Icarus
2. William Brittelle Television Landscape
This album seeks to challenge what you know about music. It is one hell of a crazy journey through an enormous soundscape. It's one of those albums you could listen to for years and hear something new in the mix each time.
3. Hans Zimmer Inception
The soundtrack to what is probably my (editorial: 'his') favourite film of all time. There aren't many soundtracks that can stand alone from a film and still amaze me. This is one of them. Definitely Hans Zimmer's best work.
4. Beach House Teen Dream
A dreamy and eloquent third album from Beach House that has earned them thoroughly deserved critical plaudits in 2010. Best enjoyed on the train home after a night out.
Beach House- Norway
5. She & Him Volume 2
The second instalment from actress Zooey Deschanel and musician M Ward. Great songwriting combined with catchy vocal hooks makes this album one of my instant favourites.
She & Him- Home
6. Glasser Ring
If you like harmonies and beautiful voices then this one is for you. As soon as the echoes kick in on "Home" you'll be sold. (See below for full post)
7. Bonobo Black Sands
A great instrumental album that I'm sure made many people's top 10 lists this year. Certainly recommended if you're a Zero 7 listener, but again, like Beach House's Teen Dream, an excellent travelling album too.
8. Stornoway Beachcomber's Windowsill
Legitimately one to sing along to. Either turn off or enjoy the great lyrics. "The End of The Movie"? Goosebump inducing.
9. Wild Nothing Gemini
Wild Nothing featured prominently on Top 10 lists elsewhere, but of course cannot be fully recognised as such (and as a 'one to watch') until featued here. This album reminds me of early 90s indie pop. Similarly if you're a fan of The Smiths you'll love it.
Wild Nothing- Chinatown
10. Half Seas Over Half Seas Over
Singer-songwriter Adam McBride-Smith teams up with pianist Elan Mehler to create a jazz/folk album that brilliantly fuses the two and suggests McBride just might be the next James Taylor. Remember, you heard it here first...
Half Seas Over- Sad Mona
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