After apparently playing together for the first-time in December 2009, husband and wife duo Tennis attracted blog attention almost immediately after putting their first ever tunes on the net. They’ve been interviewed about all that ‘hype’ stuff: about being ‘tipped’ around the same time that Best Coast were. But that’s not what it’s about. While their mp3s have proliferated like pollen, the pair have kept their feet on the ground. A love of sailing- an idea that spawned the band as a way to remember their eight months sailing the Atlantic- is still at the forefront of their minds:
"Our whole plan—grand scheme or whatever you want to call it—is to take another writing sabbatical. I like calling it that. It sounds really professional. We’ve been working ever since we got back, so we have a little bit of money to afford another small sailing trip."
(-Denver Post, July ‘10)
I wanted to make this post after hearing the track ‘Marathon’ (as in the place Marathon, off the coast of mainland Florida), which I have listened to most days for the past two weeks or so.
Tennis- Marathon
Tennis- Pigeon
I wanted to make this post after hearing the track ‘Marathon’ (as in the place Marathon, off the coast of mainland Florida), which I have listened to most days for the past two weeks or so.
Tennis- Marathon
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